Antique Print of the 'Schreierstoren' in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Productnr.: BGI-00072

€ 320,00
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Levertijd: 2-5 dag(en)


Antique print titled 'Gezicht van de Schreyershoeks Toren (..)'. View of the Schreierstoren in Amsterdam (Geldersekade). This rare authentic old antique print / plate originates from: 'Nieuwe atlas, van de voornaamste gebouwen en gezigten der stad Amsterdam, met derzelver beknopte beschryvingen.' (transl.: New Atlas of the most important buildings and views of Amsterdam, including their short descriptions.) or 'Afbeeldingen van de wyd-vermaarde koopstad Amsterdam / Recueil des idifices les plus considerables ... ' (1778 oblong edition), 1783 or 1805 ed., by Pierre Fouquet Jr., published in Amsterdam 1760-1805.

Condition: Good. General age-related toning. Some wear and soiling. Please study image carefully.

Date: 1769

Overall size: 49 x 35 cm.